Week 2...or Maybe It's 3

Well, I guess the first thing to say here is that I’m doing rather well, unless you relate the amount of pictures I send directly to how I’m doing because I’ve only got one (he actually sent two) this week. This is Elder Collier next to Emma, the Cardboard Girlfriend (In the process of trademarking) I really don’t know why this picture is a thing. This is Elder Suapaia? I in the hammock I recently rediscovered last night. It’s also rather comfortable to sleep in. This last Tuesday, we had a devotional with Elder Gary E Stevenson, and he talked a lot about how missionary work has changed. He also said something that I think would be good to hear. Obedience bring blessings. Blessings bring happiness. As a group we’ve been trying to work on that, specifically going to bed on time. Time to confess something, it’s not always easy to get along with everyone here. They all have their quirks, good and bad. Part of the problem is that I have discovered that past...