Week #1: Heyo...I survived!

  • Well, to say the least, it’s been a crazy couple days. First off, I am doing great, forgot tennis shoes somehow, but the sandals work just fine. My companion, Elder Collier is pretty great. Found out he ran track and cross country yesterday, but aside from that, not a whole lot aside from he seems to have a strong quiet spirit. But that might just be because I talk his ear off and don’t let him get a word in edgewise. I also found out that his mother is from the Philippines? Probably spelled that wrong.

    In the room I’m assigned to, there are six of us altogether. There’s me, Elder Collier, Elder Woodruff, Elder Ramsey, Elder Ceja, and Elder Sunguturanga. Elder Woodruff is probably one of the friendliest people I know, what with him always welcoming people to the MTC even though he just got here on Wednesday.

    I can’t say I know Elder Ramsey all that well, but he seems to be a pretty great person to be around.

    Elder Ceja is one of my favorites. He is definitely a natural leader, as without him and Elder Woodruff, we wouldn’t get anything done. He’s from Mexico, but knows English just as well as Spanish, so after the mission he’ll be trilingual.

    Elder Surungatanga Is tall. He is also a smiley person who is very easy to get along with. Interesting fact, his father is half Tongan and half Fijian, so his last name is Fijian. He has a mild head start on the language because of his name.

    Well, not a whole lot more to say except I’ve noticed that while I’ve been here, partly because of the mentality that we are all preparing to teach the Lords children and because I’ve been too busy, I haven’t heard any of the nasty voices in your head that just put you down. Well, running out of things to say except one last thing.

    Au lolomani iko
             Elder Roylance


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