Well...I Guess This is It! 12/7/2018

As the title says, this is it. I'm leaving the MTC in the next couple days, and to be honest, I'm stressing just a little bit. But I guess that's normal. My experience here has been really great for the most part, but I'm also a little ready to leave. The problem is I'm not exactly ready to go. But I guess that's alright, seeing as I'm leaving on Monday. 

I've decided that there haven't exactly been a whole lot of pictures, and there probably won't be a whole ton in this e-mail, but I have decided that Elder Collier could be one of the models on the guidelines for mission appropriate clothing. Unless you consider his feet, which wear the Jerusalem Cruisers.

Seeing as I for some reason can't send pictures right now, I'll just tell you about the rest of my week. It got very cold suddenly, but snow will do that. 

I also want to insert this line from a song to demonstrate how breakfast has been going:
When I was a lad I ate 3 dozen eggs to help me get large, and now I eat 5 dozen eggs, so I'm roughly the size of a barge. - Gaston

I've eaten so many hardboiled eggs, it's not funny.

Anyways, I don't have any more TRC's, which is nice, as well as stressful, because now it will be with investigators, not just members. But this last one went really well. We taught him last week, but he said that we did a lot better this week. We taught about Enduring to the End and Hope. I shared Mom's favorite scripture: Alma 32:21.

The Fijian is coming along, but it's not quite there, but that's alright. You're not supposed to leave the MTC fluent, so that's a little bit of relief.

I'll leave off with my favorite scripture again, because it's pretty great.

Joshua 1:9 reads, "Have I not commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest."

Au lomani kemudou.


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