December 23, 2018
Bula Vinaka!
It's been a crazy week, but that's not a bad thing. As far as how this week was, I'm honestly not sure on where to start. I guess I'll start with the trip to Levuka. Anyways, there's this island just off the coast of the biggest Island in Fiji, and it's called Levuka. There are 2 Elders in that area, and because I'm companions with the district leader, we get to go over there once or twice a transfer. It's so gorgeous over there, and the Elders have a wonderful view of the ocean. The only downside is that to get over there is a 5 hour bus/boat ride. But it was really cool, I got to see Elder Suguturaga again, so that's pretty cool. I know he'll do great out there, and is going to love it.
Then, the other day, I spent several hours in the maternity ward of the local hospital because one of Elder Jessee's recent converts went into labor. She gave birth to a beautiful new baby boy. I don't remember what his name was, I just know he has 4 or 5 of them because he's named after Elder Jessee and his old companion. Anyways, it was just really cool, because I don't think I've really ever been that close to a baby just a couple hours old. The mother and the baby are both doing good though.
Well, anyways, it's Christmas time! It's been a little weird, mostly because there's no snow, and it's hot, but that's okay. This Christmas season, I've been thinking a lot about the Savior's birth, but not the story of it in Bethlehem. The story of his birth in the Book of Mormon is actually really cool. Long story short, Samuel the Lamanite prophesies that in 5 years, the savior will be born. A sign of his birth will be given that there will be a day and a night and a day, and be as one day. Now, the Nephites are really hard-hearted and wicked people, so they drive Samuel out. Jump forward almost almost 5 years, and the wicked people are persecuting and mocking the righteous who believed in the words of Samuel. The Wicked set a date that if the sign isn't given by then they will kill all those who believed. The righteous ask Nephi, who is the prophet at the time, to pray to God to know when the sign will come. He prays, and receives comfort that all will be well, for on that night, the Savior will be born. That night, the sun sets, but doesn't begin to go dark, and the night is as bright as the day, and when the sun rises, it was a day and a night and a day without any darkness. The wicked who were going to kill the righteous fall to the earth as if they were dead, and the righteous are saved.
Now, the thing I get from that story, is that the Birth of Christ literally saved the righteous from temporal death at that time. He saved lives by being born. But something to think about this Christmas season is that because of His sacrifice and love for each and every one of us, we can all be saved from spiritual death. We can all return to live with our Heavenly father. Jesus Christ bore our sins, so we don't have to.
I want you to know that Jesus Christ lives. God loves each one of us individually. The Book of Mormon is true, and testifies of Christ. Because of Jesus Christ, we can receive eternal life. Joseph Smith was a true prophet, and translated the Book of Mormon. Russel M Nelson is our prophet today, and as we listen to his counsel, we will be blessed.
I want you to know that I love you all, and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Au lomani iko!
- Elder Roylance

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