So, what do we actually do if there's a hurricane?" (Week #11)
Bula Vinaka!
Well, good news, we are doing fine. No hurricane issues really, it kind of disappeared on Tuesday.
In better news, I found my camera cord, so we get pictures this week! Yay!
In this past week, I went on an exchange to the Nausatoka area, but unfortunately, I forgot my camera there, because it's beautiful. But later went with one of the ZL's, and found a super sketchy bridge to cross over, so that was fun. I honestly don't remember a whole lot of what happened this week, but that was probably because I wasn't actually in my own area for a couple of the days of the week.
Spiritual thought for the week. Do the Come Follow Me thing. I was looking at the one for Sunday School earlier, and just by skimming over it, it seemed fantastic. I think that the Leaders of the Church are really inspired, just by seeing how they are going to be putting more focus on the home and making it more centered on Christ.
Au lomani iko!
1: The view in Saioko last week
2: My incident from slipping in all the mud last week! (Mom is really glad she isn't the one doing laundry!)

3: Blind dog in the wild

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